Thursday 5 July 2012

Why is edema

Edema is just a manifestation of the symptoms caused by edema, a variety of reasons. Stay up late such as edema, is only a temporary edema, and get adequate rest will return; such as pregnancy edema, slight edema is a normal phenomenon, and only need conditioning can weekdays; such as kidney disease caused by edema, but it can not be ignored, the need for timely diagnosis and treatment.
In the normal human body, intravascular fluid continuously from the capillaries, arterioles side filter out the tissue fluid to the interstitial space. The other hand, the tissue fluid from capillary venules side back absorbed into the blood tube, the two often maintain homeostasis, and thus excessive fluid accumulation in tissue spaces.
So, the main factors to maintain that balance, what does?
(1) capillary hydrostatic pressure;
(2) plasma colloid osmotic pressure;
(3) the mechanical pressure of the interstitial space (tissue pressure);
(4) tissue fluid colloid osmotic pressure.
If the factors that maintain fluid balance disorder, may give rise to edema.
So, of edema factor and what it?
(1) the presence of sodium and water: If the secondary aldosteronism psychosis;
(2) capillary filtration pressure is increased: at right heart failure;
(3) increased capillary permeability: such as acute nephritis;
(4) plasma colloid osmotic pressure: usually secondary to reduce serum protein, such as chronic nephritis, nephrotic syndrome.
Thus, to maintain fluid balance is the key to the prevention of edema. Once the imbalance will cause varying degrees of edema. Some edema factor is controllable, proper rest and conditioning can be, and some edema factor is not controllable, need to go to hospital for a detailed examination, if the disease but also to early treatment.

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